01/14/2010 07:47:00 CET
Best Investor Relations Deutschland (BIRD) in the TecDAX in 2009
- 6th place taken over all of the indices together
Manz Automation AG is the winner in the reader’s survey “BIRD 2009” run by the magazine BÖRSE ONLINE in the TecDAX category. At the same time, Manz took 6th place with 67.0 points in all of the indices DAX, MDAX, TecDAX and SDAX, which cover the 160 largest listed companies.
Dieter Manz, Manz Automation’s CEO, is very pleased with the superb result: “We are very proud of this award and would like to thank the investors who participated in voting. At the same time, the prize is an incentive to further expand our communication with our investors, and to also increasingly acquire new groups of investors in other countries.” Martin Hipp, Manz Automation’s CFO and responsible for investor relations, believes that taking first place confirms the company’s work to date and added: “2009 was a year of crisis, and last year we again attached particular importance to providing open and transparent information on our company’s development and our further strategy. We are very pleased that our investors are now appreciating this.”
The BÖRSE ONLINE reader’s survey BIRD has now been running for seven years. It primarily allows private investors to vote on the quality of information that they receive from large companies. The companies’ information policies on business growth, strategy and future perspectives are evaluated. The survey focuses in particular on the criteria “credibility” and “easy-to-understand communication”. The annual report as the company’s calling card and the quality of its online presence played a key role in the evaluation.