Manz 集團是一家活躍於全球的高科技生產設備製造商。 超過三十年的生產設備製造經驗,核心技術涵蓋自動化、化學濕製程、檢測系統和雷射加工;憑藉著核心技術,專注於開發和設計創新且高效的半導體面板級封裝、顯示器、IC載板、鋰電池、電池CCS元件以及太陽能模組生產設備,應用於電子產品、汽車和電動車、能源和醫療等市場。
隨著數位化程度的提高和電動汽車方向的進一步發展,汽車行業面臨著重大挑戰。 我們的目標是作為發展合作夥伴和領導者幫助實現這一進步。 我們在此特別關注汽車電子和電動動力總成領域各種元件的智慧和整合生產設備解決方案。
30 多年來,Manz 集團一直以其高效的設備和系統為目標增長行業設定標準。 今天,我們很自豪能成為全球公認的集成生產系統製造商。 品牌新宣言“擘劃創新設備.成就生產力”強調了我們作為未來市場創新驅動力的願望。
Notching equipment of the BN Series are highly efficient solutions for the manufacture of individual electrodes or electrode webs for hard-case or pouch cells. With our notching machines all mechanical or laser-based notching processes can be performed.
The BLA Series is a flexible platform for laminating and stacking mono- and bi-cells in the production of pouch cells or prismatic cells (roll-to-cell). Due to its modular design, it is freely configurable and can be used for both, as a pilot line and for mass production.
The BLS 500 is a flexible, modular platform for different laser processes in the manufacture of lithium-ion batteries. Structured on a standardized machine base, you can assemble in just a few steps an individual machine configuration which suits the requested application.
Whether computer screens, TVs, smartphones, tablet computers or operating displays at industrial workstations, important components of these products have been produced on our equipment.
Manz automation, assembly and metrology solutions for high-tech production.
Our portfolio comprises laser micro-processes for a wide range of applications. This includes cutting, drilling, structuring and welding many materials, such as glass, metal, ceramics, textiles and plastics, as well as ablation of layers such as compound semiconductors, metals and dielectric layers on large surfaces.
Wet chemical processing solutions for the production of PCBs, smart phones and tablet computers as well as solar modules.
Manz is your reliable partner for contract manufacturing. Benefit from our many years of experience in high-tech engineering and our production network in Eastern Europe and Asia.
Manz metrology solutions and measuring technology for high-tech production.