Manz AG publishes Annual Report 2023 and preliminary figures for the first quarter of 2024

05/23/2024 07:30:00 CEST, Reutlingen Revenues of EUR 249.2 million in the 2023 fiscal year almost at the previous year's level | Group EBIT of EUR 2.9 million in 2023 after EUR -4.2 million in the previous year | Revenues of EUR 51.2 million in the first quarter of 2024 with an almost balanced result | Forecast for the 2024 financial year confirmed: Group sales expected to increase by a mid-single-digit percentage with an EBIT margin in the low single-digit percentage range

Manz AG a global high-tech equipment manufacturer with an extensive technology portfolio, today published its annual report for the 2023 fiscal year and preliminary figures for the first quarter of 2024. In the 2023 fiscal year, the company generated group revenues of EUR 249.2 million (previous year: EUR 251.0 million) and was thus able to keep revenues almost stable compared to the previous year despite strong macroeconomic headwinds. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) improved significantly to EUR 14.6 million (previous year: EUR 8.0 million), as did earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) to EUR 2.9 million (previous year: EUR -4.2 million). Positive effects from the exchange of shares in the Customcells Tübingen GmbH for an investment in the Customcells Holding GmbH contributed to the improvement in earnings, among other things.

Martin Drasch, CEO of Manz AG, comments: „Looking at the figures for the past fiscal year, we are naturally not satisfied. However, we performed quite respectably in a difficult environment and achieved our target of EBIT growth in the low single-digit positive percentage range. Nevertheless, we know that Manz can do more. The sustainable growth trends in the markets we address remain intact. We are certain that we can benefit from this with our best-in-class solutions. Even if there is cause for optimism, the macroeconomic environment will remain challenging in the short term in 2024.”

Manfred Hochleitner, CFO of Manz AG, adds: "We still have an excellent market position and can benefit from the megatrends of electrification and digitalization in the long term with our first-class production solutions for lithium-ion batteries as well as electronic components and devices. However, a solid company not only needs first-class products, but also a stable and resilient financing base. Unfortunately, the necessary evaluation of the projects on which our planning is based took longer than expected this year. We apologize for the associated postponement of the publication of our business figures for 2023."

According to preliminary figures, the Manz AG generated revenues of EUR 51.2 million in the first quarter of the current year, around a third less than in the same period of the previous year, as expected. Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) were almost balanced at EUR -0.2 million; the previous year's EBIT of EUR 5.9 million was characterized by a positive one-off effect of EUR 5.7 million. The reason for the slow start to the 2024 financial year is the company's expectation that customers will delay investment decisions, particularly in the battery sector. However, the company believes that this development will have a correspondingly positive effect on incoming orders, particularly in the second half of 2024.

For the full year 2024, Manz expects an increase in group revenues in the mid-single-digit percentage range. Revenues in the Mobility & Battery segment are expected to increase in the low double-digit percentage range and in the low single-digit percentage range in the Industry Solutions segment. The EBIT margin in the Group and in both segments is expected to be in the low positive single-digit percentage range.

Sales, EBITDA and EBIT 2023 compared to the previous year:

in EUR million



Group revenues



Mobility & Battery Solutions



Industry Solutions









Mobility & Battery Solutions



Industry Solutions






Group EBIT



Mobility & Battery Solutions



Industry Solutions



The 2023 Annual Report is available at in the Investor Relations section. The full Q1 2024 quarterly statement will be published on this website from 29 May 2024.




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