Corporate Governance

Corporate governance is understood to be the legal and factual regulatory framework for the management and supervision of a company (preamble to the German Corporate Governance Code). It forms the regulatory framework for good and responsible corporate management in the interests of all relevant interest groups.

The Managing Board and Supervisory Board of Manz AG are committed to ensuring the continued existence of the company and its sustainable value creation in accordance with the principles of the social market economy, taking into account the interests of shareholders, employees, and other groups associated with the company (stakeholders).


Managing Board

Manz AG's Managing Board consists of CEO Dr. Ulrich Brahms, CFO Manfred Hochleitner, and CTO Stefan Lutter.

The Managing Board is responsible for managing Manz AG in the interests of the company within the framework of corporate governance. As a collegial body, the Managing Board determines in particular the strategic orientation, corporate policy, structure and organization of Manz AG.

> Managing Board of Manz AG

Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board of Manz AG consists of the members Prof. Dr. Heiko Aurenz (Chairman), Dieter Manz, Prof. Dr. Michael Powalla and Dr. Zhiming Xu.

In addition to monitoring and advising the Managing Board, the Supervisory Board's tasks include appointing and dismissing members of the Managing Board and determining their remuneration. It also reviews the annual and consolidated financial statements prepared by the Managing Board as well as the management reports for Manz AG and the Group, together with the proposal for the appropriation of net retained profits and the separate non-financial reports.

> Supervisory Board of Manz AG

Directors' Dealings

The members of the Managing Board and Supervisory Board of Manz AG and persons closely associated with them are obliged under Art. 19 of Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 on market abuse (MAR) to notify Manz AG and the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) of proprietary transactions in Manz AG shares or debt instruments or related derivatives or other related financial instruments.

The publication of reported proprietary transactions pursuant to Art. 19 MAR is made via EQS News.

> Directors' Dealings


Diversity is a sustainable strength. That is why diversity and equal opportunities are key factors in how we see ourselves. Manz AG reports on its commitment to equal opportunities and diversity in the Sustainability Report.

> Sustainability at Manz AG

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