Disclaimer: The list below may be incomplete and occasionally changed. Manz regularly updates the list, but makes no commitment to its timeliness. Opinions, estimates or forecasts made by these analysts regarding the investment recommendation and price target do not constitute opinions, forecasts or predictions of Manz AG. If you are interested in research reports, please contact the analysts or investment firms listed below. Manz is prohibited for legal reasons from providing research reports.

Below you will find a list of banks and investment firms as well as the names of the analysts who have initiated coverage on Manz shares. In addition, a recommendation (buy, sell, hold, ...) and a price target (in EUR) are listed.

Institute Analyst Recommendation Target price Date
Pareto Securities Zafer Rüzgar Buy 8.70 EUR July 01, 2024
Stifel Adrian Pehl Hold 11.50 EUR March 26, 2024
Metzler Stephan Bauer Hold 08.00 EUR May 28, 2024


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