
The three pillars of sustainability – environmental issues, social aspects and governance – form the foundation of our strategy and our vision. As a company, we believe that taking responsibility for our employees and the environment is the crucial foundation for our long-term economic success.

Environmental Issues

We consider the responsible and careful use of our resources and sustainable business practices to be our social obligation to current and future generations.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG emissions) are one major factor for global warming. We have therefore set ourselves an ambitious goal with regard to reducing the GHG emissions caused by our company’s activities: The Manz Group will reduce its Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 21% relative to revenue by 2026 compared to the base year 2020.

This reduction is based on the so-called "Science Based Targets" (SBT) and is in line with the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement. The GHG  emissions caused by our company's activities (Scope 1 and 2 as well as reported Scope 3 emissions) are recorded annually in our corporate carbon footprint (CCF) according to the established standards of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Our strategy is based on the avoidance and reduction of GHG emissions. The residual emissions are offset by purchasing climate protection certificates, with which we support exclusively certified projects according to internationally recognized standards such as the Verified Carbon Standard, for example for forest protection in Brazil.

Water Consumption

Climate change is exacerbating the global water shortage. Millions of people are already suffering from water shortages.

Through numerous measures we are working to steadily reduce water consumption at our sites. With success: Our group-wide water consumption fell to a new record low in 2022.

Energy Efficiency

We have achieved our goal to increase the share of renewable energies in total electricity consumption by the end of 2021 to over 50% and currently obtain more than two-thirds of total electricity consumption from renewable energy sources. Also, in the future we want to continuously expand the share of renewable energy whereever possible in total energy consumption.

The fact that resource-saving production and administration is not an abstract idea for us, but an essential part of our corporate philosophy, is also demonstrated by the installation of solar modules on the roofs and facades of our buildings.

Social Issues

Regarding employee matters, we comply with all applicable laws on employee rights in Germany and the respective countries of our subsidiaries. In addition, we have formed committees in all Group companies, such as the voluntary employee representative body in Germany, which campaigns for employee issues.

Employee Training

The Manz Academy coordinates a bundle of suitable training and continuing education measures in a wide variety of qualification categories, such as technical product training, methods and soft skills training or management development programs.

Since we want to deploy our employees in the right place at the right time with the right qualifications, we are already working on setting up the Manz academy globally.

Occupational Safety and Health

Occupational safety is a top priority at Manz. It is important to us to be active and preventive in this area beyond the laws and regulations. We have an occupational safety management system in accordance with ISO 45001.

We consider all aspects of occupational safety: from primary accident prevention to stress-related factors in the organization. We make sure that processes and information channels are continuously optimized, that techniques such as e-learning are used, and that employee training is closely monitored and supervised by experts in the field.

In addition to office hours at the company, the company physician is available to all employees daily in the practice for acute issues.

Equal Opportunities and Diversity

Diversity and equal opportunities are central to  our self-image. People with different backgrounds and talents should be able to live up their maximum potential in the best possible way at our company. Employees from 34 different nations work in the various Group companies.

The elected employee representatives are responsible for promoting gender equality, the integration of severely disabled persons and other persons in need of special protection, the employment of older employees, the integration of foreign employees and the compatibility of family and employment.

Community Commitment

At our respective locations, we are also involved in activities beyond the scope of our professional activities. In this context, Manz AG supports local sports and cultural clubs and organizations in which our employees volunteer as part of the "Employees Volunteering" initiative.

In addition, Manz AG lives up to its social responsibility by supporting social institutions on an annual basis.


Our economic activities are designed for the long term and are in harmony with the environment. Economic sustainability goes hand in hand with ecological and social issues.


Through our group-wide compliance system, which is regularly evaluated, we ensure that legal violations are avoided, and our Code of Conduct and internal company guidelines are observed. In addition, a central compliance contact is available to all employees as well as local compliance contacts at the individual subsidiaries. Furthermore, we have also set up an internal anonymous whistleblower system throughout the group through which any suspected violation of laws or our corporate policies can be reported.Transparency

Fair competition as well as ethical and lawful business activities are essential for our long-term success.

Every employee and all business partners of Manz AG are obligated to comply with our Code of Conduct. It describes our values and principles of conduct and covers topics such as the careful use of resources, the protection of company and trade secrets or international labor and social standards.


Fair competition as well as ethical and lawful business activities are essential for our long-term success.

Every employee and all business partners of Manz AG are obligated to comply with our Code of Conduct. It describes our values and principles of conduct and covers topics such as the careful use of resources, the protection of company and trade secrets or international labor and social standards.

Stakeholder Involvement

Manz maintains an ongoing dialog with important stakeholder groups, such as employees, customers, suppliers, investors, analysts and banks.

We involve our employees in the further development of our company with employee surveys on current topics. In addition, our employees can contribute suggestions as part of the Innovation Forum.

Manz AG Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

Slavery and human trafficking statement of the Manz AG pursuant to section 54 (1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 ("the Statement"). > Download

Our Sustainability Goals at a Glance

Environmental Issues

Energy efficiency Waste Efficiency
Continuously decrease energy consumption based on revenues with respect to the previous year Continuously decrease waste production based on revenues in comparison to the previous year
Carbon Footprint Energy consumption by energy source Fresh water efficiency

Reduce GHG emissions of the company (Scope 1 and 2 emissions) in relation to revenues by 21% compared to the base year 2020 until 2026

Gradually expand the emission sources considered under Scope 3 and continually reduce corporate carbon footprint (Scope 3 emission categories)

Reduce fuel consumption by 10% compared to the previous year (relative to the number of cars)

Continuously increase the percentage of renewable energies in total electricity demand

Continuously reduce fresh water consumption per revenues compared to the previous year

Employee Issues and Training

Training Position of non-regular employees Female employees Team leaders female
Annual average of at least 2 working days training per employee Employment relationships
Precarious employment relationships should be avoided; before hiring temporary or contract workers, a permanent position will be considered
Limitation of internship period
Annual contracts
Annual contracts should be converted into a permanent employment relationship after extension
Women’s quota of 25% (medium-term) Female team leaders quota of 25% (medium-term)


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